
08 February 2022

Brandon Lewis Goes to Washington

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Brandon Lewis MP is at Capitol Hill to compel the US Government to apply influence and pressure to the EU and scrap the NI Protocol after DUP MLA Paul Givan resigned as First Minister and taking deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill with him just over two years after a three-year political vacuum.

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27 October 2021

The Budget: How does NI receive its share?

On Wednesday 27 October, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak will deliver the Autumn Budget alongside the Spending Review, in arguably the most significant fiscal event for the UK Government under the current premiership.

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14 September 2021

Stratagem/Savanta ComRes MLA Research Panel

Is your organisation really contributing to change? Are your messages understood? How do you compare with your competitors? With the Assembly and Executive continuing to progress legislation at pace, balance the COVID-19 response and impacts of EU exit, not to mention an Assembly election just around the corner, MLAs are, and will remain, key opinion formers and influencers, so what they think about you or your issue matters.

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08 April 2021

The Route to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Is it the Way Forward?

When the UK left the European Union, it left behind access to EU structural funding beyond 2020. Locally this is a loss of around £600 million per year. In the last few weeks, the UK Government launched its response - the UK Community Renewal Fund—a one-year pilot of distributing £220 million and which is meant to inform the design of the much-heralded UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF).

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11 January 2021

Happy birthday to the NI Assembly?

Three years without a government, set against the backdrop of Brexit drawing ever closer, there was a palpable sense of cautious optimism when a deal was announced this time last year by the then Secretary of State, Julian Smith, and his counterpart in the Republic, Simon Coveney, heralding a “New Decade, New Approach”.

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